battle ropes being used by a man and woman exercising at a gym in north spokane
Functional Training
Achieve Core Strength
battle ropes being used by a man and woman exercising at a gym in north spokane
Functional Training
Achieve Core Strength
battle ropes being used by a man and woman exercising at a gym in north spokane
Functional Training
Achieve Core Strength

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Functional Training at MUV

Fitness for Everyday Living

Functional Training at Our North Spokane Fitness Center

Functional training ensures your muscles and joints work together as a unit of strength, especially when it comes to daily activities that require maximum effort like lifting, pushing/pulling, or squatting. Your own body weight serves as resistance during your workout.

group workout at a gym near me in north spokane

What do you call on your muscles to accomplish? Think about the bending, stooping, lifting and carrying you do every day. That’s a lot to do!

Functional training, including exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts, builds core strength to avoid muscle fatigue, strain, and injury.

group workout with battle ropes at a gym near me in north spokane
strength training with weight sled at a gym near me in north spokane

Add functional training to your workout routine today! You’ll be surprised to see your strong you really are!

Benefits of Functional Training

Functional training is an important part of an effective fitness routine. Unlike cardio and strength training, functional training helps you strengthen your body so you can complete common tasks throughout the day.

You’ll have an easier time picking up grocery bags, playing with your kids, reaching for items up high, and squatting to pick up messes. Everything we challenge our bodies to do every day will. be easier with functional training.

Come explore the best functional training in North Spokane today!