MUV Training
Feel the MUV Difference
MUV Training
Workouts for a Full Body Transformation
Training at MUV Fitness Gyms
Are you looking for a new, unique way of working out that is challenging, rewarding, and fun?
MUV Fitness is proud to offer our MUV Training classes, aimed at being safe, fast-paced, and constantly changing while maintaining a consistently challenging workout.
Some of the moves may seem familiar, but it isn’t what we do, it’s how we do them. This offering of classes will allow you to track your progress and reach new levels along with a dedicated group of MUV members, and all are included in our MUV Training package.
Classes Designed for Everyone
Everyone is different, and everyone has their own unique preferences and goals. That’s why our MUV Training classes are the perfect fit for everyone. Regardless of age, body type, or fitness level, these classes will tackle every area to ensure full body and mind results. We have paired these classes together to make sure we cover every area.
Classes include:
- MUV Barre -- Focusing on simple isometric movements, our instructors will pinpoint and engage specific muscles. MUV Barre is a great way to maintain muscle strength and increase density, all while building your endurance. You will leave every class feeling stronger than the class before.
- MUV Tribe -- This small group class is a heart rate monitored functional training program that is at the pinnacle of our MUV Training programming. Our system allows members to maximize workouts and focus on the results-driven outcomes MUV Training is known for.
- MUV Force -- MUV Force utilizes kettlebells, TRX, dumbbells, and a multitude of other options to help find your inner strength. n engaging and steady tempo class focused on building and improving total body strength through proven training methods and progressive, yet fun, challenges.
- XTR1000 -- A fully engaging, high-intensity, and dynamic training class designed to keep you moving and drastically improve your cardiovascular conditioning. This fast-paced class will integrate high-intensity interval training and dynamic strength sets to not only get you tone, but to make your body a calorie consuming machine.

Get the Most Out of MUV Training
As with any of our programs, consistency of movement and proper nutrition will greatly increase your chances of success for your overall fitness and health goals.
You will see a difference in your strength, flexibility, and endurance when making these classes a part of your regular fitness schedule. You will feel your body tighten and begin to defy gravity as you complete class after class.
Starting with 2-3 classes per week, you will feel a difference, and moving up to 3-4 times a week, you will see the difference.
It doesn’t matter where you start, only that you never give up. You will see incredible improvements when you begin and as you continue your health and fitness journey. Expect improvements in energy, sleep, strength, mobility, health – and that is only the beginning!